• Welcome to Your Jockstraps

    Your Jockstraps is a full-featured website featuring discussion forums, galleries, profiles, search capabilities and a robust private message system to converse with other like-minded guys who are into jockstraps.

    While you are more than welcome to enjoy the site as a guest, the real fun begins when you register and become a member. And just in case you're wondering, Your Jockstraps is and always will be 100% free.

    The website may appear daunting but trust me, once you get used to it, it will feel like home in no-time. As a start, be sure to read my post in the News and Announcements Forum . There's lots of help available in the FAQ Pages and if you still can't figure something out, then post a question in the Questions, Help and Support Forum and I'll do my best to help you.

    When you do join, don't forget to spend some time setting up your Profile, it's your home. Upload a profile photo and be sure to fill in some of the Account Details as what you fill in will appear on your Profile Page under the About tab.

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Ass good as it gets


Staff member
A collection of perfectly framed asses from the Intertube.

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  • tumblr_mrp7hkxmez1sfkoddo1_500.jpg
    152.3 KB · Views: 255


Jockstrap Fan
Oh my. There are days that I thank my lucky stars that I’m versatile! 🤤
So what would y’all think about a series of posts where @Jockstrapguy pics a single jockstrap photo and challenges everyone to duplicate it themselves? Obviously we would participate only as much as we’re comfortable with, but it could show off the very hot men on this site quite well!
Sorry Gideon but English isn’t my mother language, I didn’t really understand what you propose : can you explain please 😊😉


Staff member
So what would y’all think about a series of posts where @Jockstrapguy pics a single jockstrap photo and challenges everyone to duplicate it themselves? Obviously we would participate only as much as we’re comfortable with, but it could show off the very hot men on this site quite well!

It's a great idea but I don't think there's enough active members yet to make that work. I also have plans to host photo contests for a chance to win gift certificates at Jockstrap Central - but as mentioned, I'm waiting until the number of active members increase.


Jockstrap Fan
It's a great idea but I don't think there's enough active members yet to make that work. I also have plans to host photo contests for a chance to win gift certificates at Jockstrap Central - but as mentioned, I'm waiting until the number of active members increase.
Hi John,
Since the beginning of the site, how many members are we now ? I’ve got the feeling it’s skyrocketing, isn’t it ?
have a good Sunday


Jockstrap Fan
It's a great idea but I don't think there's enough active members yet to make that work. I also have plans to host photo contests for a chance to win gift certificates at Jockstrap Central - but as mentioned, I'm waiting until the number of active members increase.
I'm in!


Staff member
Hi John,
Since the beginning of the site, how many members are we now ? I’ve got the feeling it’s skyrocketing, isn’t it ?
have a good Sunday

I wouldn't say it's skyrocketing but I'm very happy with the way things are going. We're at 350 members as of writing this post. BUT, most members end up not being active, just lurkers - it's just the nature of a site like this. We're gaining about 50 members a week right now.

I'm doing my best to promote it through the Jockstrap Central email newsletter I send out twice a week, plus I've been promoting it on my Twitter and Instagram feed. Hopefully, the members here will tell their friends and spread the word.

You can actually see how many members there are: The website stats can be found by clicking Home or Forums from the main menu. It's in the right hand column all the way at the bottom (if you're on a desktop or decent sized tablet, otherwise it's at the very bottom of the webpage if on a cellphone). See the screencap of the stats at the bottom of the post.

The most important gauge for me is how many members are online at once (will determine when the site is ready for chat) and just tallying up how many guys are posting photos and interacting in the forums. You can see how many members are online at the moment also in the right hand column just below the Jockstrap Central banner ad.

Here's what the stats mean:

Threads: how many topics have been started in the forums.
Messages: How many posts/replies there have been in the forums.
Members: How many members there are:
Latest Member: The last member to join the site

Below that are the Gallery stats:
Categories: How many categories in the Gallery
Albums: How many Personal Albums have been created
Uploaded Media: How many photos have been uploaded both in the Gallery and Personal Albums
Embedded Media: How many videos have been embedded in the Gallery
Comments: How many comments have been left for the Gallery photos.
Disk Usage: How much space all the Gallery photos are taking up on the server's hard drive.

Below that you'll find your Gallery usage statistics (of course, in the screencap, it's my usage).



Jockstrap Fan
How regularly does a guy have to get f*cked in order to have a permanently relaxed asshole? Liked the guy in the white jockstrap with a black line in the waistband?


Jockstrap Artist
For practical and anatomical reasons one assumes it's a temporary statebof sphincter relaxation involving some lengthy butt play, but can't say I have enough practice lately to say from personal experience.


My jock is too small...and tight!
I wouldn't say it's skyrocketing but I'm very happy with the way things are going. We're at 350 members as of writing this post. BUT, most members end up not being active, just lurkers - it's just the nature of a site like this. We're gaining about 50 members a week right now.

I'm doing my best to promote it through the Jockstrap Central email newsletter I send out twice a week, plus I've been promoting it on my Twitter and Instagram feed. Hopefully, the members here will tell their friends and spread the word.

You can actually see how many members there are: The website stats can be found by clicking Home or Forums from the main menu. It's in the right hand column all the way at the bottom (if you're on a desktop or decent sized tablet, otherwise it's at the very bottom of the webpage if on a cellphone). See the screencap of the stats at the bottom of the post.

The most important gauge for me is how many members are online at once (will determine when the site is ready for chat) and just tallying up how many guys are posting photos and interacting in the forums. You can see how many members are online at the moment also in the right hand column just below the Jockstrap Central banner ad.

Here's what the stats mean:

Threads: how many topics have been started in the forums.
Messages: How many posts/replies there have been in the forums.
Members: How many members there are:
Latest Member: The last member to join the site

Below that are the Gallery stats:
Categories: How many categories in the Gallery
Albums: How many Personal Albums have been created
Uploaded Media: How many photos have been uploaded both in the Gallery and Personal Albums
Embedded Media: How many videos have been embedded in the Gallery
Comments: How many comments have been left for the Gallery photos.
Disk Usage: How much space all the Gallery photos are taking up on the server's hard drive.

Below that you'll find your Gallery usage statistics (of course, in the screencap, it's my usage).

View attachment 2750
This is super interesting. I think this is a great site and a great community. One of the best places to go online. No hate and vitriol at all. I hope it keeps getting bigger. Great job!!


If not commando, then jocked.
For practical and anatomical reasons one assumes it's a temporary statebof sphincter relaxation involving some lengthy butt play, but can't say I have enough practice lately to say from personal experience.
I’m certain we could post a sign-up and fill it to . . . give you that practice. 😈🐷