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US Military Jockstraps: My attempted chronology:


Jockstrap Fan
I am really surprised that the Army didn't issue jockstraps. The chance of having a combat job is high. I am even more surprised that they only offered boxers and didn't offer briefs. That is abuse to make men flop! Many guys have tender cockheads from keeping things snug. It would be unbearable trying to walk rubbing around in boxers until they lost their sensation; but that could take weeks to toughen up. A small number of guys have extremely low hangers, and it wouldn't take much to rupture them in physical exercise. Some guys who have never done violent exercise have not yet discovered that they would be in trouble without a jock.

All of my life I have checked Army Navy Surplus stores and found former issued jockstraps. They were interesting, but I never found any that I liked. I have seen several photos of soldiers in jockstraps on the web. Most old photos seemed to precede 1980 I would guess. I expected the military was a great place to see a lot of jocks, like we did in the Air Force.

I am surprised that there were no jocks in the Navy. Men in every culture in the world have supported their assets since the beginning of time. It's hard to believe that the US military would have no clue.

I enjoyed your bits of history. Hanging worn jocks on a clothes hanger makes sense. We were told to hang them on our bedposts. So my face was next to my bunkies sweaty jock!

I expect you don't know the modified BIKE specifications, or you would have shared them.

Thanks for the conversation.

PS I just discovered that this conversation goes way back, and you contributed a lot to it. You formerly made many references to jocks in the military, so I am surprised that today you say make it sound like jocks weren't issued.

I googled jocks in the military and discovered that all our discussions could be found by googling. My comments were there for the public to see along with my photos and my living location. I did not know that what we write here was for the world to see. I never would have shared so much personal information.
I can best relate to the Vietnam War era, as I was drafted then and have read many books and internet blogs from those who served.
Yes, the 11-Bravo (Infantry) job could be miserable. Companies could be inserted into mission via helicopter and "hump the boonies" in hot environments for patrols which lasted days, weeks and even up to a month with only the clothes in which they were deployed. And if 40 to 50 lbs of gear wasn't enough, most every night meant digging in with an entrenchment shovel. This wasn't boys scout camp!

Your comments regarding cock-heads was on-point. For a short period of time the Army issued BDU trousers with zipper flys rather than the customary button closures. It shouldn't take a whole lot of imagination to understand that dicks usually found a way to escape the flys of boxers and all day contact with a cock-head rubbing against a zipper wasn't all that pleasurable. Wearing a jockstrap certainly prevented this, but on the other hand trying to wear a sweaty jock continuously for days on end would have no doubt rotted both the jock and schlong away. Briefs were obviously an improvement but they also got sweaty and otherwise raunchy so many infantry grunts chose to go commando, in more than one way.

Once again, from personal experience I can tell you that the Army did not issue jockstraps for basic training, at least in 1967. For some reason there was a shortage of military briefs and I don't have a clue why Uncle Sam didn't simply send a truck to the nearest JC Penny's, Sears or Wards and simply grab some Fruit of the Looms, but they didn't. When I went through the initial uniform issuance line they had a board displaying both olive drab briefs and olive drab boxers, and some wise ass probably civilian stores clerk asked everyone whether they wanted briefs of boxers and when I am sure nearly everyone said briefs, the jerk said sorry we are out of briefs and handed me 4 one-size fits all baggy boxers. They were off white and not even olive drab.

I didn't have exactly low-hangers but when my boys got warm, they dropped down and would flop a bit against my inner thighs. I had worn a jockstrap for exercise starting in 7th grade, through high school and college and the boxers offered exactly zero support. I won't say it was painful, but I was uncomfortable when I had to do the few minutes of nude exercises during my visits to the military entrance examining center.
That is why I bought and wore a jock during basic training. I rinsed it out daily in the shower, hung it from my bedpost to dry and sent it with my other gear for the weekly laundry service.

Wrangler, you asked about the modified BIKE jock military specifications. You are correct that I do not have them. If you will look at my July 2022 posting in this thread you will see a photo of a small sized MIL_SPEC BIKE #10 jock, one likely issued to a Marine Corps draftee. It is my understanding that this is the exact same jockstrap sold for junior-high PE classes, with the exception that it had more threads in the waistband and the pouch was about 1/2" longer.

I previously posted that the military had a 22 page long specification for jockstraps. I don't know if it is on-line but it is probably available in some repository in a university library. I am confident you would be totally bored to read such a document. It no doubt specifies among other things, thread size, rubber fraction, number and style of stitches per inch in the seams, pouch and leg strap dimensions, testing results for waistband elastic etc. I can relate this because as a manufacturer's rep I once received a bid request from a school district including 100 dozen jockstraps with about 6 pages of similar specifications. I sent the inquiry to my distributor who directed it to Kendall, manyfacturer of BIKE. They looked at the specifications, sort of laughed and advised that these were the specifications for their BIKE 10 jock. I made the sale!

Till next time, Bob


Jockstrap Fan
From about 1940 until the early 1970's. EVERY freshman (both genders) enrolling in Harvard, Yale and about 20 other colleges, as part of their orientation were REQUIRED to pose for nude posture evaluation photographs. No jocks, only wore smiles! You can no doubt find a lot more information if you simply do a search engine inquiry with words "ivy league nude posture photos" or something similar. Brian Ferrari has a neat blog containing both photos and links discussing both the College posture photos and the Navy physical evaluation photos. https://brianferrarinyc.com/2022/07/02/80-years-ago-the-men-of-st-marys-pre-flight-school/ The attached photo was simply one of thousands taken of a freshman student entering Yale University. I've read an interesting description of the Yale experience in an autobiography written by a student photographed in the 1960's. If there is interest, I'll post a synopsis.

View attachment 41273
He’s one helluva beauty! I’d love to perform his hernia exam as well as a thorough testicular cancer screening. While at it, best to also check for any ED issues obtaining a sperm sample for complete analysis 🧐


Jockstrap Fan
I think this is a military jockstrap, manufactured by Keystone. WWII through early Vietnam War vintage. The limited length of the pouch
would suggest this jock would indeed be snug for anyone with even average size "equipment"


  • keystone.jpg
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If not commando, then jocked.
I think this is a military jockstrap, manufactured by Keystone. WWII through early Vietnam War vintage. The limited length of the pouch
would suggest this jock would indeed be snug for anyone with even average size "equipment"
Keystone is another in the category of “unwearable” in my opinion. Ouch!


Jocked cut cock
I bet that gives great support!
I finally found one like the old military ones with the heavy duty pouch. The brand is barcode berlin. It even has elastic running along the sides of the pouch for more lift. Gives my scrotum excellent support. From the second i put it on i can constantly feel my nuts being lifted and secured in place. I work a job where i stand for 8 hours and constantly move around very heavy objects. Then after i still usually go to the gym. Even after all that it never sags. Up to the moment i take it off it is still giving me great support.


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Jockstrap Fan
I finally found one like the old military ones with the heavy duty pouch. The brand is barcode berlin. It even has elestic run along the sides of the pouch for more lift. Gives my scrotum excellent support. From the second i put it on i can constantly feel my nuts being lifted and secured in place. I work a job where i stand for 8 hours and constantly move around very heavy objects. Then after i still usually go to the gym. Even after all that it never sags. Up to the moment i take it off it is still giving me great support.
Wow, now that is one hell of a beautiful sight bro, both the Jockstrap and especially you! Would love to see what it holds so securely, please?
As well, I Love a man who’s not afraid to use the word “scrotum“ … actually formal names as such for any of the male genitalia fuckin’ turns me on something wicked. You got me sportin’ a huge bone here. Now I have to go take care of it!


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Jocked cut cock
Wow, now that is one hell of a beautiful sight bro, both the Jockstrap and especially you! Would love to see when it holds so securely, please?
As well, I Love a man who’s not afraid to use the word “scrotum“ … actually formal names as such for any of the male genitalia fuckin’ turns me on something wicked. You got me sportin’ a huge bone here. Now I have to go take care of it!
Thank you bro. I appreciate it!


More in my albums!
I finally found one like the old military ones with the heavy duty pouch. The brand is barcode berlin. It even has elastic running along the sides of the pouch for more lift. Gives my scrotum excellent support. From the second i put it on i can constantly feel my nuts being lifted and secured in place. I work a job where i stand for 8 hours and constantly move around very heavy objects. Then after i still usually go to the gym. Even after all that it never sags. Up to the moment i take it off it is still giving me great support.
Looks perfect on you!


Jockstrap Fan
I finally found one like the old military ones with the heavy duty pouch. The brand is barcode berlin. It even has elastic running along the sides of the pouch for more lift. Gives my scrotum excellent support. From the second i put it on i can constantly feel my nuts being lifted and secured in place. I work a job where i stand for 8 hours and constantly move around very heavy objects. Then after i still usually go to the gym. Even after all that it never sags. Up to the moment i take it off it is still giving me great support.
Beautiful pic, buddy. You certainly know how to fill a strap up!


Jockstrap Fan
I finally found one like the old military ones with the heavy duty pouch. The brand is barcode berlin. It even has elastic running along the sides of the pouch for more lift. Gives my scrotum excellent support. From the second i put it on i can constantly feel my nuts being lifted and secured in place. I work a job where i stand for 8 hours and constantly move around very heavy objects. Then after i still usually go to the gym. Even after all that it never sags. Up to the moment i take it off it is still giving me great support.
Yeah that looks like it's a quality jock. Bet your cum tanks are happy.


Jockstrap Fan
Thank you for this dive into jockstrap history!
My dad served in Vietnam (enlisted, not drafted). I wonder if he wore a jockstrap when he served. I remember as a boy, looking through my dad’s underwear drawer to see if he had a jockstrap. Never found one unfortunately. He did wear a suspensory though. Usually he wore that if he was going to go swimming or fishing. Otherwise he wore briefs. Probably for the same reason I wear them, because my boys are heavy and need support.
I think we need a huge shift as a society, back to how things were. Sex-segregated gym classes, jockstraps for the boys. Physically preparing boys “for their health” (so any boy could theoretically be prepared to join the military). Jockstraps in sports. An overall constant that men need to be healthy, and protect their balls.


If not commando, then jocked.
Thank you for this dive into jockstrap history!
My dad served in Vietnam (enlisted, not drafted). I wonder if he wore a jockstrap when he served. I remember as a boy, looking through my dad’s underwear drawer to see if he had a jockstrap. Never found one unfortunately. He did wear a suspensory though. Usually he wore that if he was going to go swimming or fishing. Otherwise he wore briefs. Probably for the same reason I wear them, because my boys are heavy and need support.
I think we need a huge shift as a society, back to how things were. Sex-segregated gym classes, jockstraps for the boys. Physically preparing boys “for their health” (so any boy could theoretically be prepared to join the military). Jockstraps in sports. An overall constant that men need to be healthy, and protect their balls.
A fuckn men!

Deleted member 3035

First off, thank you all for your service. My best buddy is in the Air Force and if it wasn’t for me being hiv+, I’d look into joining the reserves. A man who serves his country is honorable and a role model!

I used to buy some really nice old school jocks at a military surplus store. The thought of an old military jockstrap sounds awesome. I really love men in uniform who can rock some military gear.

Deleted member 3035

Thank you for this dive into jockstrap history!
My dad served in Vietnam (enlisted, not drafted). I wonder if he wore a jockstrap when he served. I remember as a boy, looking through my dad’s underwear drawer to see if he had a jockstrap. Never found one unfortunately. He did wear a suspensory though. Usually he wore that if he was going to go swimming or fishing. Otherwise he wore briefs. Probably for the same reason I wear them, because my boys are heavy and need support.
I think we need a huge shift as a society, back to how things were. Sex-segregated gym classes, jockstraps for the boys. Physically preparing boys “for their health” (so any boy could theoretically be prepared to join the military). Jockstraps in sports. An overall constant that men need to be healthy, and protect their balls.
Much agreed. I’m 31 and I honestly am so jealous of some of the stories I read from you guys. I feel like I should have had more male camaraderie, bonding, more frank talk about what it means to be a man. I played some sports in high school but sadly it was the compression shirt era by then. I would’ve really appreciated some tough discipline and coaching. It’s taken me until recently to really be proud of the man I am. I feel even worse for younger generations. I’m glad this forum at least allows a space for me to learn from some real jocks like you guys.


Jockstrap Fan
Much agreed. I’m 31 and I honestly am so jealous of some of the stories I read from you guys. I feel like I should have had more male camaraderie, bonding, more frank talk about what it means to be a man. I played some sports in high school but sadly it was the compression shirt era by then. I would’ve really appreciated some tough discipline and coaching. It’s taken me until recently to really be proud of the man I am. I feel even worse for younger generations. I’m glad this forum at least allows a space for me to learn from some real jocks like you guys.
You’re an awesome dude Mascjock AND just as much of a real genuine man as anyone else on this website, naked in the locker room next to you, in a singlet in the wrestler’s ring, etc. your honest and frank sharing are admirable and very much appreciate it. 😘🤗

Take a bow and pat yourself on the back! Were you here, I would have you take a bow and I’d pat you on your bare ass between your jock’s ass straps..


More in my albums!
First off, thank you all for your service. My best buddy is in the Air Force and if it wasn’t for me being hiv+, I’d look into joining the reserves. A man who serves his country is honorable and a role model!

I used to buy some really nice old school jocks at a military surplus store. The thought of an old military jockstrap sounds awesome. I really love men in uniform who can rock some military gear.
Man I want a military issue jockstrap so fucking badly! So hard to find in my size...

Cups rule

Jockstrap Fan
I finally found one like the old military ones with the heavy duty pouch. The brand is barcode berlin. It even has elastic running along the sides of the pouch for more lift. Gives my scrotum excellent support. From the second i put it on i can constantly feel my nuts being lifted and secured in place. I work a job where i stand for 8 hours and constantly move around very heavy objects. Then after i still usually go to the gym. Even after all that it never sags. Up to the moment i take it off it is still giving me great support.
Looks like it gives perfect support