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Jockstrap Central model Trent


Staff member
Through the years, we've had a tendency to find models who are not only popular but also easy to work with and so we ended up working with them over and over. Well, our model Trent was one of them.

He's does competitive fitness and is also a fitness trainer.

What was most interesting is when we first met, he had just begun his fitness journey and although he was in good shape, he was pretty slim. Through our many years of photographing him our photos ended up documenting his progress. We did shoots when he was bulking up and others when he was in the cutting phase as he was getting ready for competitions.

Fortunately for him, but unfortunate for us, he met the love of his life and ended up moving out to the western side of Canada. He know, however, that if he's ever back in town, our camera is ready for another shoot.

If you want to see what he's up to now, you can follow him on his Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/trentasaurus__rex/

Here's a few photos to start things off. I'll be adding more photos as replies to this post periodically so be sure to check back.

If you have questions or comments about Trent, feel free to reply to this post.



If not commando, then jocked.
Thanks for that great pictorial and the testament to sexy Trent. And the man of his dreams thing can happen to anyone, even a middle aged Marine who never has such aspirational dreams, as I can attest. So studly Trent was just a love story waiting to happen.

You mentioned Trent’s fitness journey, and I hope he doesn’t mind I lifted this from his Insta. I’m constantly urging and supporting men to get their body together for their own physical and mental good, and although I wouldn’t recommend competitive bodybuilding or modeling as the goal to everyone, I have to give a huge shout out to Trent. And to you for choosing him as a model.