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    Cellblock 13 Tight End Snap Jockstrap
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  • Hello. Like what you ask? I started messing around with my buddies in scouts. Mastubation led to oral with tent mates, backrubs to anal….or at least our version… we only had spit and occasionally vasoline. In 20’s we camped and got more adventurous. Piss, assplay, plugs, dildos, nip play, cbt and eventually fisting. Didn’t care for scat. Messy. Never tried electro. One guy had a dungeon so we took advantage of that. I wanted to try a lot, at least try it. At 68 I’m happy I did. I’m married, wife has no idea. Haven’t played in years. My trusty jock has cum and spunk in it from years gone by. I keep that out of sight. Hope this answered your question.
    I am fortunate that I was able to try different things, but I realize that I only touched the surface. There is so much more to try. My original ripe jock got thrown away by the spouse. My current one is in a baggie in my gym bag. I'm sure you have had many a good experience as well.
    Women don't know how to appreciate a good thing. So sorry dude.
    Very interesting background to your development as a man-lover. My granddad is about your age and still going strong. He was married young but, as he says, because he was blessed with a "big one" he has always enjoyed extra cock attention. He tells me about pre-scouts fun with a cousin, then scouts, kids in school, lots of interest because of gym and sports showers and his loving to be seen, with or without jock. Not only that, but he must have passed along his openness to my Dad and uncle because they have always been very open to us sons, about play and care of our jocks, cocks and balls, asses and nips too! All guys have love for our cocks n balls, and why to hide that love seems to make no sense. If another guy has no interest, there are endless others who are curious, or more. My family has always been very open and willing to share information, news and especially our jocks, straps, pouches, and toys. So glad to have a forum to share the joy we all get from our manhood, held sexily inside our ever-present jocks and straps, etc.
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