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  • Thanks for the likes and very kind comments on my pictures... You should start a gallery of your pics for us.
    Thanks for the comment, Bro! Yep that pouch knows me well! You are welcome to stick your dick in there for a visit!
    you sure do CUM a LOT and it`s so nice n thick n creamy...can I send you some of MY old well-used jockstraps to LOAD-UP for me with LOTS OF YOUR THICK MAGNIFICENT RICH CREAMY CUM?...then you return them and I send even more!...I will pay all postage costs!...you could even make a video or a whole series of hot pictures...kinda like a *photo diary*
    Yo, Jake,
    Nope, that is not a boner in thaty pic - boots on, yes! All the picxs I have are posted there on myprofile. Hot so see some of your pix, Bro! Build my boner, Bro!
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