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Would you be willing to join/attend “jacks” parties/events in your area if held regularly?

  • No, I’d rather bate solo. 👎🏼

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jockstrap Fan
Gotta be a lot of moaning and squirming. I d love it.
I‘ve been/participated in lots of “jacks” events all over the U.S. While most guys like buck-naked, a few/several will be as comfortable wearing a jockstrap as a normal jack off accessory (or handy cum rag). Some events are even designated “jockstrap” (or underwear) events, which encourage the guys to wear/carry a jockstrap as a fetish gear of sorts. Actually, pretty hot to have several willing and able men fire their boner-loads into your strap.


Jockstrap Fan
Being a former jock. I usually can usually pull out the coach talk. Take off my short and ask them what they are willing to do to stay on the team. Otherwise, if they appear to never have been a jock then I ask the towel boy why he has been looking at me the way he has. while I show my strapped package.


Jockstrap Fan
I'm sure such a party would be great fun!
Great fun is an understatement. As we know, males express themselves outwardly …. Our sexual equipment is seen, displays, and grows as an outward extension of our physical being. Our sperm/semen is dispersed outwardly to recipients as our nature requires. The jockstrap pouch displays an outward contour. Thus, men, regardless of orientation naturally enjoy viewing, showing, and offering all these outward aspects of our sexual, reproductive, and erotic energy. That’s the essence of our appreciation of each other’s prowess, sperm production and distribution. Actually, it’s also a very natural and healthy curiosity and validation of the male competitive nature. These “currents” of male energy make a Jack off party the perfect “orientation neutral” gathering for any man. Realizing, and acting upon our universal enjoyment and avid practice of masturbation is the great equalizer … we’re all proudly “born Jack offs!”